Oligo Concentration Calculator – Calculate Mass, Molarity, and OD260

Precise calculations for oligonucleotide concentration, molecular weight, and properties

Absorbance at 260 nm wavelength
Type of oligonucleotide affects extinction coefficient
Cuvette path length in cm (typically 1 cm)
If sample was diluted before measurement (1 = no dilution)
Concentration (μg/mL)
33.00 μg/mL
Concentration (μg/μL)
0.03300 μg/μL
Concentration (pmol/μL)
(Requires molecular weight)
Concentration (μM)
(Requires molecular weight)
Custom extinction coefficient (overrides default)
Molecular weight in g/mol (Da)
For single-stranded DNA, an A260 of 1.0 corresponds to approximately 33 μg/mL. The concentration is calculated using Beer-Lambert Law: Concentration = (A260 × Dilution Factor) / (Path Length × Extinction Coefficient).
Enter DNA or RNA sequence (A, T, G, C, U)
Type of nucleic acid sequence
Amount of oligonucleotide
Volume of solution

Sequence Analysis

Enter a sequence to analyze
Molecular Weight
0 g/mol
Extinction Coefficient
0 L/(mol·cm)
0 μM
Tm (Basic)
0 °C
Na+ concentration for Tm calculation
Select common oligo modifications
Enter your oligonucleotide sequence to calculate molecular weight, extinction coefficient, and melting temperature. The calculator supports both DNA and RNA sequences.
Weight of dry oligonucleotide
Molecular weight in g/mol (Da)
Volume to resuspend the oligonucleotide
Concentration (μg/μL)
0.01000 μg/μL
Concentration (pmol/μL)
1.67 pmol/μL
Concentration (μM)
1.67 μM
Total Amount (nmol)
0.17 nmol
This calculator determines the concentration of an oligonucleotide solution based on the weight of the dry oligo (1 ug), its molecular weight (6000 g/mol), and the resuspension volume (100 uL). For accurate results, ensure you have the correct molecular weight.
Value to convert
Original unit
Target unit
Required for molar conversions
Converted Value
1.000 μg/μL
Conversion Reference Table
From To Conversion Formula
μg/μL pmol/μL (μg/μL × 1000) ÷ MW
pmol/μL μg/μL (pmol/μL × MW) ÷ 1000
μM μg/mL μM × MW ÷ 1000
OD260 μg/mL OD260 × 33 (for ssDNA)
This unit converter allows you to convert between different concentration units commonly used for oligonucleotides. For conversions between mass and molar units, the molecular weight is required.

How to Use the Oligo Concentration Calculator

1️⃣ Select the calculation method – Absorbance, Sequence, Weight, or Unit Converter.
2️⃣ Enter your values – Input A260 reading, nucleotide sequence, weight, or volume.
3️⃣ Get instant results – Molarity, molecular weight, extinction coefficient, and Tm.
4️⃣ Adjust parameters if needed – Modify dilution factors, path length, or extinction coefficient.


Accurately Determine Oligonucleotide Concentration for Your Experiments

The Oligo Concentration Calculator is a powerful and easy-to-use tool designed for researchers, molecular biologists, and lab technicians. It provides precise calculations for DNA and RNA oligonucleotides using multiple input methods. Whether you are working with absorbance readings from a spectrophotometer, a known nucleotide sequence, or a dry oligonucleotide sample, this calculator ensures accurate results in seconds.


Key Features of the Oligo Concentration Calculator

✅ Fast and reliable results

  • Uses Beer-Lambert’s Law for spectrophotometry-based calculations.
  • Calculates molarity, mass concentration, and OD260 values.
  • Supports nucleotide sequences, molecular weight, and dilution factors.

🔄 Multiple calculation methods

  • Absorbance-based calculation using spectrophotometry (A260 method).
  • Sequence-based calculation from nucleotide composition.
  • Weight-based calculation from dry oligonucleotide mass.
  • Unit converter for interconverting molar and mass concentrations.

📊 Comprehensive data output

  • Computes molecular weight, extinction coefficient, and melting temperature (Tm).
  • Provides instant unit conversions for precise experimental setups.

💡 User-friendly interface

  • Simple and intuitive input fields.
  • Dark mode for comfortable usage.
  • Interactive tabs for switching between calculation modes.

🔬 Optimized for laboratory research

  • Ideal for qPCR, sequencing, hybridization assays, and oligonucleotide resuspension.
  • Useful for preparing working solutions with accurate concentrations.

For those working with reconstitution procedures, the Peptide Reconstitution Calculator provides a similar approach for peptide solutions.


How to Calculate Oligo Concentration

1. Absorbance-Based Calculation (A260 Method)

If you have a spectrophotometer reading at 260 nm, this method determines the oligonucleotide concentration using Beer-Lambert’s Law:

Example Calculation

  • A sample of single-stranded DNA has an A260 of 1.0.
  • The extinction coefficient for ssDNA is 33 µg/mL per A260.
  • If the sample was not diluted and measured in a 1 cm cuvette, the concentration is 33 µg/mL.

This method is particularly useful when preparing diluted solutions for further use. If you need to dilute your oligonucleotide to a specific working concentration, try the Oligo Dilution Calculator.


2. Sequence-Based Calculation

If you have the nucleotide sequence of your oligonucleotide, this method calculates:
✔️ Molecular weight
✔️ Extinction coefficient for absorbance-based quantification
✔️ Melting temperature (Tm) for hybridization efficiency
✔️ Molar concentration based on weight and volume


Example Calculation

  • A 20-base single-stranded DNA sequence is entered.
  • The molecular weight is calculated as ~6000 g/mol.
  • If 10 nmol is dissolved in 100 µL, the final concentration is 100 µM.

To further analyze the sequence composition, including GC content, use the GC Content Calculator.


3. Weight-Based Calculation

If you have a dry oligonucleotide sample, this method calculates the final concentration based on:
✔️ Weight (µg, mg, nmol, pmol)
✔️ Molecular weight of the oligo
✔️ Resuspension volume


Example Calculation

  • 1 µg of an oligonucleotide (MW = 6000 g/mol) is dissolved in 100 µL.
  • The resulting concentration is 1.67 µM.

Accurate resuspension of oligonucleotides is critical for maintaining experimental reproducibility. If you need assistance in determining the best volume for resuspending your sample, use the Resuspension Calculator.


4. Unit Conversion

This tool converts between:
✔️ Mass concentration (µg/µL, µg/mL)
✔️ Molar concentration (µM, nM, pmol/µL)
✔️ Optical density (OD260 to concentration)

Example Conversion

  • A 50 µM oligonucleotide solution needs to be converted to µg/mL.
  • Given a molecular weight of 6000 g/mol, the result is 300 µg/mL.

If you are working with other types of solution dilutions, the Solution Dilution Calculator can assist with precise volume adjustments.


Practical Applications of the Oligo Concentration Calculator

🧬 1. qPCR and RT-PCR

  • Ensures correct primer concentration for amplification reactions.
  • Converts OD260 values into molar concentration for precise dilutions.

🏥 2. Genetic Research and Sequencing

  • Helps prepare oligo stock solutions for DNA/RNA sequencing protocols.
  • Assists in calculating molar ratios for hybridization experiments.

🧪 3. Oligonucleotide Synthesis and Purification

  • Determines purity and concentration of synthesized oligonucleotides.
  • Normalizes oligos from different synthesis batches.

🏭 4. Pharmaceutical and Biotech Industries

  • Supports formulation of custom nucleic acid-based drugs.
  • Calculates RNA concentrations for therapeutic applications.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the default extinction coefficients for DNA and RNA?

  • Single-stranded DNA: 33 µg/mL per A260
  • Double-stranded DNA: 50 µg/mL per A260
  • Single-stranded RNA: 40 µg/mL per A260


2. What is the standard path length for absorbance measurements?

  • The standard cuvette path length is 1 cm.


3. How do I determine molecular weight from a sequence?

  • Each nucleotide base has a specific molecular weight:
    • dA = 313.2 g/mol
    • dT = 304.2 g/mol
    • dG = 329.2 g/mol
    • dC = 289.2 g/mol


4. Can I convert OD260 to µg/mL?

  • Yes. Use the conversion factor for your oligo type:
    • ssDNA: 1 OD260 = 33 µg/mL
    • dsDNA: 1 OD260 = 50 µg/mL
    • RNA: 1 OD260 = 40 µg/mL